Cobus and Bianca – Diep in die Berg

Cobus and Bianca tied the knot at Diep in die Berg, deeply in love, but totally relaxed and chilled.

Due to the late start of the ceremony and the diminishing light, we had to do things the “other way round”, and take the couple photos before the ceremony. Now normally, this would freak most couples out, but not Cobus and Bianca. They were open to every suggestion we made and Bianca even managed to continue to look gorgeous and graceful in the searing midday heat of the African sun as I asked her to traipse around on rocks and boulders in her dainty high heeled wedding shoes.

With loads of close friends and relatives to celebrate with them, the wedding was a huge success. It did take Cobus a fairly long time to finish his speech, given all the remarks and teasing from his friends, but as with everything else, he handled it supremely well and had everyone in hysterics.

Thanks guys for letting share your awesome day with you. We had a blast! Here is a sneak preview of your very special day.

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